
What is Diamond? Definition, Process Step, Types

Diamonds, Diamond

What is a Diamond?

A diamond of ashes is a symbol of love, connection, and appreciation. It is a lasting and tangible memory, a perpetual and discreet heirloom for many generations. Diamond is pure magic. Each stone has its specific fire – and its character. It is the hardest substance on the planet, and it comes in different colors. The diamonds in jewelry are usually white.

History of Diamonds:-

Diamonds were first found in India nearly 3,000 years ago. This is one of the most significant minerals on Earth. Until the eighteenth century, India was the only country to exploit this substance. In the fifteenth century, diamonds in Europe were mainly uses as jewelry in crowns and jewels of kings, but during the Middle Ages diamonds also became popular among the newly wealthy. From then on, it was a symbol of strength, prosperity, and royalty.

Diamond Processing Steps

The First step is diamond starts as rough stone.

The trick is to remove the ugly bits but still have the largest possible diamond. In, that precise work, the diamond saw uses a magnifying glass. He looks at the rough diamond from all sides to see how best to cut it.

The diamond must be cut against the direction of growth. The rougher it is secured above the saw with hot glue. The saw blade is made of very strong bronze, but will not cut through diamonds without help. You can only see diamonds with diamonds. That is why the saw blade is lubricated with a mixture of diamond dust and oil. You don’t just cut a rough diamond in half. Sometimes that takes up to four hours!

The next step in diamond processing is grinding.

Then the diamond takes its real shape. First, the basic shape creates. Polisher puts some glue on a so-called cap. It holds the diamond in place. He holds against a cast-iron disc, which is smeared with its dust and oil. First, he grinds away the rough saw edges.

Then he applies the ‘facets’. These are flat sides, in a certain pattern, which makes the diamond sparkle beautifully. The facets reflect the light towards each other. Each facet must be just the right size, shape, and sharpened just the right angle. It allows the facet to reflect light well.

Polisher starts with the large flat piece on top of the diamond, the table. How it proceeds depends on how big and clean it is. Then he makes the oblique facets, which come together at the bottom of the diamond in a point, the ‘pavilion’. If he makes the facets too deep or not deep enough, the light leaks from below. Then the diamond in the center is dark and does not sparkle. An angle of 42 degrees is ideal.

The grinder measures the angle using special instruments.

 Then the cap is cut. That’s the edge around the table on top of the diamond. The ‘rondist’ is sharpened with yet another cap. That is the outer edge of the it, above the pavilion facets, and it’s measured in carats. A carat is 2 tenths of a gram. Cutting a one-carat diamond takes 3 to 4 hours. After grinding, it is boiled in acid to make it completely clean. It has 58 facets. That’s so-called brilliant.

This way of sharpening is most often used, since the 17th century! Diamonds are judged by how well they are cut. In addition, attention is paid to the purity, that is, whether there are any unsightly spots. Finally, the color. The best white diamonds are fully colorless. And the rarest colors are the most expensive of all.

Read all about the cuts and clarity grades, about radiant white diamonds and diamonds in the most beautiful natural colors, about weight and origin. Find your perfect Natural White Round Diamond easily!

Information about Diamond Carat, Cut, Color, Purity and Confidence:-



A measure with historical background: the term derives from the seed grains of the carob tree (Greek: kerátion), which were formerly used as a unit of measure. The weight of the seeds is 0.2 grams on average and hardly deviates. To this day, one carat (ct.) corresponds to 0.2 grams.

2. CUT


The cut of a diamond determines its shape and brilliance. Only the perfectly executed cut elicits the characteristic fire and transforms the inconspicuous rough diamond into a sparkling gemstone.



The color you select is a matter of taste. A perfect white diamond sparkles at you, it catches your eye and you keep looking at it!

In addition to carbon, diamonds almost always contain traces of other elements that affect the color. The color combination gives the ring something elegant, a blend of colors, something special. Experts distinguish subtle color gradations: the palette ranges from diamonds in an extremely valuable colorless white to white and slightly tinted diamonds. The color also affects the price, whiter the diamond, and more precious it.

Most of us imagine and know a diamond as a transparent gemstone, but in reality, it can be of different colors and shades. Colored diamonds can be found with very rare shades such as emerald, yellow, orange, purple, red, blue, pink, and even black. It is customary to see a classic white or colorless diamond in engagement rings, wedding rings, necklace, promise rings, pendants, and earrings, but colored diamonds also exist in nature, they are less common than white ones, which is why they are more expensive.



The ‘clarity’ characteristic describes whether and how many inclusions a diamond has. Many diamonds bear nature’s fingerprints, locked inside for eternity. This includes, for example, minimal traces of minerals, small cracks, or growth traces.



Buying a diamond is a matter of trust. Gemistone confirms that all diamonds meet the requirements of the ‘System of warranties’ of the ‘Kimberley Certificate’. This means that only diamonds with an ethically responsible origin are used. Independent of the certificate, Gemistone also checks the quality of all diamonds in its laboratory.


Take, for example, a side view of the classic round brilliant. The significant parts, from top to bottom, are the crown, girdle, and pavilion. A brilliant has 57 facets. The horizontal facet at the top is what we call the “table”. The proportions of a diamond refer to the relationship between the size of the table, the angle of the crown, and the depth of the pavilion.

It is significant to know that different proportions are possible, all of which will affect how the diamond will receive and reflect the light and also how attractive the it will be the person who praise the stone.

What is mean by ‘color’ in a colorless diamond?

When you buy diamonds, their color is important. Colorless diamonds may still have a slight yellowish tint. However, it is not strong enough to qualify the gem as colored. After all, the color is often no or very little perceptible, which makes these light-colored diamonds also very valuable. Only the rarest and most expensive diamonds are completely colorless.

Colorless Diamond

The more colorless a white diamond is the brighter, valuable, and rare it is. This is the most beautiful. This is because only a pure white, i.e. Completely colorless it has a perfect prism effect. A perfect white diamond let the light through flawlessly and transforms it into the full-color palette of the rainbow.

The diamond sparkles more than any other gemstone. The brilliance of a it becomes stronger the purer the other one. We call a diamond flawless if it is completely transparent and without inclusions.

This is the weight of it is gradually in carat. A carat looks like 200 milligrams. That means there are 5 carats in one gram. The weight of a diamond does not equal its value. The value of a it determines the total of the 5 C’s.

Diamond:  Fully Colorless?

The color of the diamond means the colorlessness or degree of whiteness. The color in a diamond shows as a pale shade of yellow. The less color the gemstone has, the rarer and higher the color gradation in the GIA color scale. The most colorless diamonds have color grade D, the gemstones with the clearest shade of yellow have a color grade Z. Jeweler and Gemistone only has high-quality color grades D to G in the broad and versatile diamond collection. These gemstones are virtually colorless, allow more light to pass through, and shine more beautifully in the sun. After the cut, color is considering the most important characteristic in diamond selection.

The Gemistone diamond color collection consists of:

Color D: (Exceptional white+ or Hunter). D is the highest grade of color assigns to a diamond, indicating that the stone is completely colorless (white); as such they are extremely rare and their price is the highest.

Color E: (Exceptional white or River) and F (rare white+ or River). The color difference between a D- and E-rated stone is usually only visible to an expert gemologist using master stones as a reference, although E-rated stones are slightly cheaper.

Color G: (Rare white or Top Wessel ton) and H (white or Wessel ton). Grade G diamonds are nearly colorless and there is only a slight color difference compares to grade D or E diamonds. G stones seem colorless, especially once set, and therefore offer great value for money.

Color I: (Slightly tinted white+ or Top Crystal) and J (slightly tinted white or Crystal). I-colored diamonds are very light-tone diamonds, but once set in jewelry, these stones can appear colorless. If you want to get the most out of your budget, an I-colored diamond offers great value for money.  

The perceptible colors K-M and N-Z are not present in the collection.

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